Making Financial Security Our Mission

At Kornerstone, our mission is to empower individuals with proven business models, resources and tools to diversify their income so that they can have financial security and control over their lifestyle.

We quickly realized that a good education and a career path was no longer a guaranteed way to create financial security. We found ourselves looking for ways to get out of debt faster and earn more money. We strongly believe that having more than one way to make money is a necessity for every household in today’s economy. 

Our Approach

We coach people to start a business of their own, mitigate risk and scale their company in the e-commerce industry. We start with a budget session and we pair it with an ongoing education to grow a business mindset. Along with leadership training we provide leadership opportunities to improve confidence and personal branding.

Mentorship has played a huge role in both of our careers, even though it’s an often underutilized tool.

Since 2017 we have been coaching individuals to create an income outside of their career, increase their salaries, climb out of six-figure debt, and ultimately create the peace of mind that comes with additional household income.

No matter what your background is, we take the same approach – a comprehensive process with tried-and-true steps for maximum results.